Maybe a Venn diagram would help

Just kidding.  The people who make these things up are impermeable to any form of logic, even ones that involve simple pictures. Today on the FaceTubes: Oh, where to begin?  Let’s start with the easy stuff, the inevitable grammar errors: State Department is capitalized, please, as is Muslims, and our sentences need a period at […]

It’s getting weird out there

Today on the FaceTubes: The jaw drops, does it not? The Lyles Rule of Interwebs F***ery1 states that if it’s too outrageous to be true, THEN IT’S NOT.2 One second of googling was enough to reveal that this thing was a lie.  Look at this: Google didn’t even wait for me to space before giving […]

We’re doomed.

Oy.  From the FaceTubes, a comment on a friend’s posting about Donald Drumpf’s call for violence from the podium: So, the fact of the matter is that the leftwing (primarily blacks and hispanics) violently attack impoverished whites tens of millions of times each year in america. We are a very violenced, crushed people and the […]

Palin, oh my Palin

Oh my. Sarah Palin is proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster loves us and wants us to drop our jaws in stunned disbelief. Here she is being interviewed by Bill O’Reilly, who seems to be skeptical but, because of the clause in his contract that requires him to share an amygdala and at least part […]