Labyrinth: 9/14/08

No work on the actual labyrinth, of course, because I’m waiting for the Lichtenbergians to contemplate and decide how I should proceed.

I did continue reclaiming the brick edging, however, and that led to some surprising results:

You can see the edging clearly here, and even more amazingly, you can see a whole lot more of the yard!

Until this afternoon, the ivy and growth covered everything up to the labyrinth itself. I cleared away five or six wheelbarrows full.

I was just minding my own business, digging up the bricks (behind the tree in the photo), when all of a sudden the next brick, instead of curving to my left and cutting straight towards you in the photograph, headed straight for the ivy.

I sort of liked all the undergrowth and was hesitant to clear it out, but neither did I want to leave all those bricks unclaimed. Finally I decided to go for it and tear everything out.

I discovered ferns that I had planted years ago, still bravely putting out a couple of fronds. I discovered our cat Miranda’s grave. I discovered, as you can see in the photo, that my original layout for the labyrinth cut directly across the outward curve on the left of the photo.

Not a problem, I thought to myself, since my calculations yesterday indicated that the labyrinth would in actuality be smaller. I got out a measuring device to see exactly how much smaller, and that’s when I discovered that, no, actually, my original plans were quite accurate. Feh.

It’s not really a problem. When I begin actually laying the stone, I’ll move the border.

All in all, a lovely day: beautiful weather, and I successfully avoided working on anything important.

8 thoughts on “Labyrinth: 9/14/08

  1. One idea, as to the “unconscionable” cost involved. Sell it to Ginny this way. “You remember a year ago when I pulled all our money out of the stock market? Everyone said it was crazy, right? Wow, think of all the money I saved us, now that the stock market has gone into the toilet. In fact, my prescience has saved us FAR MORE than this labyrinth would cost. Gee, honey. It’s almost as if the labyrinth is FREE.”

    Something like that.

  2. Wait a minute, I just realized what it is. We don’t have to politicize each other. We don’t have to try out sermons on one another. WE KNOW. We can speak to one another from another place. Somewhere farther on down the line? I realize we associate to lessen our alienation, but I need not feel pressure to conform to anything within that association. We can bring on Revolution by simply speaking from a place at the border of all certainty. What the f**k is Honea going on about?


  3. Let’s see….Here we go: No. Times being what they are, I cannot now afford analysis. I walk through the labyrinth without a thread at present. I guess this federal thread with help AIG find its way out. Maybe now I can get a subsidy for analysis. To keep me from going under.

  4. Well, the comfort of our present labyrinth, as opposed to our mythical nightmares, is that no thread is necessary. It’s one path. Keep going. Going on. Call that going? Call that on? But wait… he’s barely moving now…

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