Sunflowers (Day 66/365)

I didn’t think I’d get anything done today, since Thursday is not normally a working night for me, and since my father-in-law is in town for a visit (and the Shubian’s Rift premiere Saturday night), but I had some time to work, so I skipped ahead to 8. Two Sunflowers Move Into the Yellow Room.

Again, this is a bit of a cheat, since when I more or less scored it when I wrote it. Still, transferring it to GPO sounds and deciding exactly which instruments to assign where was not nothing.

Tonight’s puzzle: see if you can tell what my own questions are about how I’ve scored this. I have some, so it’s a fair question. Herewith, the piano score and the mp3 of Sunflowers.

For staging purposes, I think it’s too short, but it would be perfectly easy to insert a dance sequence between the two verses. It’s one of the loveliest pieces in the whole work, so it would be nice to hear the melody a couple of more times.

In other news, you probably need to head over to I mean, after all, it’s not as if it’s 365 days of commitment, you know. I’d do it, but I’m busy.

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