Labyrinth, 1/10/11

We haven’t had a photo of the labyrinth in a while, so here are some from today, after the storm last night:

A nice long shot. My original idea was to go out and walk it, since it was mostly a uniform sheet of white, then take a photo of the path my footprints left. But my feet left no prints, none discernible to the camera at any rate. Then it occurred to me to take the chakra candles out and light them.

Actually, I lighted the candles first, then distributed them.

I always think of this angle as the “Kubrick/2001” shot, because of several shots from that movie like this:

Or like this:

What, you thought I meant this?

Okay, so maybe when I’m seriously meditating, I think of that kind of thing.

But isn’t the labyrinth pretty in the snow? If only I had a hot tub from which to meditate on it.

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